
The residency focused on coding and electronics workshops Tuesday and Friday. We learned Java through an open-source software called Processing and Friday we worked with electronics using Raspberry Pi. Each participant has an electronic kid and a laptop computer donated by a nonprofit specifically for this project.

The workshops designed during the residency are built upon extensive research of Java and Raspberry Pi. These classes were conceived as a learning tool for students that range from 7 years old to 60 and creating simple exercises during the lessons. The final goal was to have a strong curriculum that helps them learn coding and building electronics.

The final products were four video cameras and four robots that show the videos and an exhibition at a Laconia Gallery. These cameras were used to interview the community.
In conjunction with learning tech and building, I combined exercises where we practice storytelling through questions and answers.

The tools to facilitate this dialogue are based on horizontal and vertical identity and what this means for the new generations. We also worked and how do we use storytelling to understand the problems and find solutions in the neighborhood.

After we build the cameras, the participants were encouraged to interview the staff member of the center and friends.

We created a generational bridge where the seniors are not isolated, the youth learn from the elders, and the seniors have an opportunity to share their challenges.

During this fulfilling year, we learn problem-solving, and we discussed the challenges as a community of Hyde Park and the things we would like to highlight.

The participants we worked include three teenagers, six middle schools, and one senior. The workshops were designed to be two hours long, although sometimes they run 1 hour and a half depending on their disposition. Some of the children are exhausted and haven’t done the homework yet.

The preparation for each workshop includes six hours. During this time, I created the codes beforehand, and I brought from 2 to 4 exercises.

The materials we used to build the body of the cameras were made of recycling materials brough from their home partcipants